Nebula AI — November &December 2020 AMA Monthly Report

3 min readJan 10, 2021

Development Progress

•Calculation of Filecoin pool distribution

•NBFS Pool Fil distribution will be completed before 31st 2020

•Filecoin Slingshot phase 2.1 completed, start trusted miner project

•Research in Zero-knowledge proof

•New network topology design in data center

•Fulfil 3rd rack servers

•System alert with different service and jobs via email.

  • Upgrade NBFS with more filecoin storage function, add support for the retrieval

Business Progress

Canada Scientific Research and Experimental Development fund received

•Canada emergency wage subsidy support received

•Won 666 Filecoin through slingshot 2.1, rank 7th

•Two batches of Filecoin mining servers shipped to Canada

•Strategy partnership with California cloud computing company singed, announcement will be published by each parties

•Multi enquires from EU and NA market.

•Start first node management in China.

•Won MinerX support from Filecoin

•Enter last round of Longhash accelerator

•List of presentations:

•Space Race Miner Show & Tell, Sep. 4th 2020,

•Slingshot — Phase 1 Closing Ceremony, 28 Oct 2020

The Filecoin MinerX (Miner Experience) Fellowship aims to engage a set of globally distributed, small-to-medium sized Filecoin miners to improve Filecoin’s experience and productivity. Specifically, the goals of this program are to build a solid foundation of globally distributed, reliable, long-term storage options to accelerate the development of tools and services in the ecosystem, while identifying areas to improve the experience of being a miner for the rest of the Filecoin community.

•MinerX Fellows will spend the duration of the program accepting storage and retrieval deals, supporting various development efforts, identifying areas of improvement for the network, engaging with the community, and growing their network footprint.

Partners of the year

Future Plans

Development RoadMap 2021


•Enhance the mining support with eth and Filecoin, enhancement of GPU management with different node.

•Split cygnus storage as an independent opensource project

•NBAI Swan project for edge storage

•Research of decentralized computing with ETH 2.0

Q2 :

•Reduce the mining reward, currently per block reward is 17, planning to reduce it to 8 or add a mapping to Eth ,DOT or Filecoin.

•Edge computing KMS research

•Multi Geo location support

•Hyper cloud integration

•Payment channel with more crypto integration


•Mining reward reducing code test

•Research of new security component with ZKP

•Asia node testing with 1 rack

•Edge node infrastructure with Quebec universities


•Mining reward reducing implementation

•Muiti POW chain support on platform

Business 2021

•20% budget to sales and marketing

•Listing new exchanges target Q2~Q3

•New round of fundraising with institution investors

•Working with law firm for the token distribution

•Partnership with more cloud computing company

•New hire of business partner

•New office in China Q2~Q3, depends on the COIVD19 situation, hire more developers in China.

•Shanghai or Hangzhou

•$100K initial investment

•Social media with twitter, wechat and facebook

•Cooperation with local government

•Target sales at 2 million dollars




Nebula AI is a Montreal based decentralized blockchain platform integrated with Artificial intelligence and sharing economics.